Thursday, January 15, 2009

+mari bersurvey+

What is your favorite animal to see at the zoo?
= kure2...
If you won a shopping spree at the mall, which store would you run to first?
Are you afraid of the dentist?
= nope..
What do you eat on your hamburgers?
= sayur2 dulu....
If you had to stay awake for 24 hours, what would you do in that time?
= on9
Do you open your eyes under water?
Are you organize?
What do you do to relax before you fall asleep?
Do you like Sunny D?
=saper tu?
Do you eat organic food?
Who do you text the most?
Last song you downloaded?
If you could name a planet, what would you name it?
What would you consider a lot of money?
Have you ever put Mentos in Coke?

What movie do you really want to see right now?
=xder cter bes pun..
Do you wear glasses?
= yes
When was the last time you went to the ocean?
=maser g bali trip!
Would you marry the Burger King King?
= xmo ar
Do you feel bad for the Polar Bears?
=for wat?
How many pairs of shoes do you own?
= baper jerk.hehe
Who's your favorite celebrity?
= datuk ct..
Ever take a dump in the woods?
= heh..nope..
What is your least favorite color?
= green or purple
How many times have you gone to the bathroom today?
=kner kire ker
What is the most times you have ever seen one movie?
= x ingt
What holiday just passed?
= coti sbb pilihanraya u
Do you play any instruments?
= nope
What room are you in?
= ostel
What color is your camera?
= silver...
Where is your room?
= restu
What is the closest green item to you?
= my shirt
Last time you saw your mother?
= one month ago.heehehe
What was it you last laughed about?
Do you drink Red Bull or any other energy drink?
= 100+
If you could work at any clothing store, which store would you pick?
How often do you give high fives?
=dah xder dh
Do you own a cowbell?
Have you ever been on television?
= nope
Where did you last eat?
= juz now...
Who's the most annoying person in your neighborhood?
= no one..
Do you plan on moving in the next year?
= moving??? home..
Who is the last person you saw in your house?
= no house
What's the last thing you put in your mouth?
= ayam masak pedas
When was the last time you saw your number 2?
=las sunday
Where is your biological father right now?
= umah..tdo
What was the last thing someone bought for you?
Who took your profile picture?
=my self
What will you call your first child?
= comey..huhuuh
Do you celebrate monthly anniversaries?

1 comment:

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